ISO 14001/4 Elements (Environmental Management System requirements)

     • General requirements
     • Environmental policy
     • Planning implementation and operation
     • Checking and corrective action
     • Management review

Introduction to SAMTRAC Course (NQF L4)

Duration: 3 days

     • Discuss and apply the techniques for hazard identification and risk assessment in the         workplace.
     • Identify and understand SHE management system documentation requirements.
     • Develop SHE Management system procedures.
     • Develop SHE management system work instructions.
     • Identify SHE management system monitoring and measurement requirements.
     • Develop SHE objectives, targets and management programmes.

Safety Management Training course (Samtrac equiv) (NQF L5)

Duration: 10 days

     • The purpose of this course is to equip the participant to plan, implement and maintain a         SHE Management System
     • Evaluate pure risk identified in financial terms in order to measure potential for minimising         risk
     • Evaluate and compare the different incident prevention theories
     • Demonstrate relationship between quality and safety
     • Technical safety and occupational health
     • Industrial environmental management
     • SHEQ management systems are also dealt with, i.e. planning and implementation, process         mapping, drafting policies, procedures and work instructions, hazard identification and risk         assessment.

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