Occupational Health & Safety courses

Please contact us if you would like an outline on the following Health & Safety courses:
1. Health & Safety Representatives
2. Health & Safety Awareness
3. ISO 14001 Training
4. Introduction to SAMTRAC course
5. Safety Management Training course (Samtrac equiv)
6. Continuous Risk Assessment
7. Hazard identification and response
8. Incident accident investigation
9. Basic SHE course with SHE Induction
10. Applying SHE Principles and Procedures
11. Construction Safety Training course
12. Confined Spaces
13. Lock and Isolation
14. ISO 9001: QMS Internal Auditors Course
15. ISO 14001: EMS Auditor/Lead Auditors Course

Health & Safety Representatives

This course enables learners to identify and evaluate occupational safety, hygiene and environmental factors, in occupational environments, which may have a detrimental effect on the health and safety of learners in such environments. Learners will be able to perform essential measurements and functions that promote a culture of health and safety in occupational environments.

Course content

     • OHS Act – An Introduction OHS Act 95 of 1993
     • Employer – Employee Partnership and Self Regulation
     • Prescribed Legal Appointments
     • Health & Safety Representatives
     • Duties & Responsibilities
     • Health & Safety Committees
     • How does it function
     • Minutes of meetings
     • Health and Safety Inspections
     • The Inspectors functions
     • Incident/Accident Investigation
     • Risk Assessments
     • Planned personal contact.
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